

The ‘body’ and ‘vulnerability’ are strong elements of humanity that, excluded from the present’s globalized trade, rightfully enter into the materials used for art in creating ‘Communicative Artistic Organisms’ with a ‘nomadic ethic’ and emancipate the journey of modern man within ruins.

Throughout time, in every corner of the Earth, billions of bodies touch and blend with one another. They merge and get entangled. These tactile volumes intermingle in a perpetual communication and exchange that accompanies the evolution of humanity.

The French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy, with his valuable insight into the “Corpus,” allows us to grasp with extreme precision how the experience of the body in space and time, here and now, is always a crossing of boundaries, an extremity that is never closed, in which the very identity of the world manifests itself, the absolute identity of that original openness of the self towards the other from the self (singular-plural), in a constant fluctuation between inside and outside in a space that cannot simply be defined as intimate, contained, or concentrated.

The one is also irresistibly, invisibly, always many, as all bodies influence each other, gravitate towards each other, and oppose each other, inheritors of the world of gravity. The body exists only in this materiality, in this sense, at the limit, at the outer margin.

Let’s think, to simplify, about the view of water and rocks, which are interdependent and shape each other: water and rocks, waves and rocks adapt to each other and slowly mold one another, leaving a trace in the world of bodies as a matter that mixes with itself and with the other, in an unsettling proximity.

The thread of discourse, in its winding, turning, and curling back, continuously plays with the metonyms of touch, as the philosopher Jacques Derrida pointed out to his friend-disciple Jean-Luc Nancy. The body, which is neither signifier nor signified, must come into contact with another to experience its own existence.

The creation of space, the expansion of bodies through contact (where thinking about touching cannot and should not merely mean physical contact) allows them to take on new weights, such as that of e-motion, moving outward from themselves, an experience common to all bodies.

Transdisciplinary Performative Practice