IAMVULNERABLE is recognized among the excellences of Good Cultural Practices of the Lazio Region with Decree No. G08510 dated 25/06/2024
from the Lazio Region – Regional Directorate of Culture, Youth Policies and Family, Equal Opportunities, and Civil Service


iosonovulnerabile is a non-profit transdisciplinary research inspired by Sergio Mario Illuminato’s book Corpus et Vulnus: Tàpies, Kiefer, Parmiggiani (IP Edition, 2023). Map of the international contemporary scene, from the latest artistic experimentation to the emerging creativity of European schools and academies.

INTERVENTION AREA: Socio-Cultural Area / Inclusion and Socio-Economic Development of Youth. ACTIVITIES: From 2023, it involved a heterogeneous group of artists and professionals in the visual arts, cinema, photography, dance, theater and music, along with teachers, technicians, and students from the Academy of Fine Arts and high schools in Rome. From this collaboration, on July 12, 2023, was established the «Movimento VulnerarTe APS», a non-profit organization accredited in the National Register of the Third Sector and in the National Register of School-Work Alternation. From here, the ACTIONS:

  • from April 30 to September 30, 2023, was realized the artist residency «The Alchemical Officina of Ideas»
  • from September 30th, 2023, to January 30th, 2024, the FIRST EDITION of « iosonovulnerabile, therefore alive. Art is loving reality» was held at the former Pontifical Prison of Velletri, with the sponsorship of the Lazio Region, the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, and the Municipality of Velletri, and in collaboration with Compagnia Atacama and the International Contemporary Dance Festival ‘Landscapes of the Body’;
  • on January 29, 2024, was launched the editorial initiative «VulnerarTe Magazine»;
  • from March 13 to April 9, 2024, the Pathways for Transversal Skills and Guidance (PCTO) «Entering Outside Exiting Inside» was implemented in collaboration with schools in Rome and its province;
  • for 2024-2025, the «International Program» at Italian Cultural Institutes abroad was initiated in collaboration with the Directorate General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy – Unit for the Coordination of Italian Cultural Institutes of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
  • and forthe 2024-2025 period, the SECOND EDITION of “iosonovulnerabile” ‘To fail is an achievement. Art is to love the mistake’ was launched, with the sponsorship of the Lazio Region, the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, the Department of Culture of Rome Capital, in collaboration with the General Directorate for Public and Cultural Diplomacy – Unit for the Coordination of Italian Cultural Institutes of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Italian Cultural Institute of Paris, the Academy of Fine Arts of Rome, the Piaget-Diaz Higher Education Institute, the Botanical Garden of Rome at La Sapienza University, Villa Altieri.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Youth and the school community / Families / Institutions, Foundations, Associations / Researchers, Scholars, Artists / Enterprises / General public. RESULTS: The research reached a diverse audience of spectators, with particular attention to young people and the school community, within which the School-Work Alternation projects will continue. The primary focus of the research was to create synergy on the theme of ‘Contemporary Cathedrals of Vulnerability‘ among the various actors involved: families, institutions, and the social world of culture and art. The results were highlighted through the network of institutions and social and media partners.


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