School-Work Alternation




The only thing I wish I could teach is a way of looking, that is, of being in the midst of the world.’ Italo Calvino

What are
The Pathways for Transversal Skills and Career Guidance (formerly School-Work Alternation) represent an innovative educational approach that, through practical experience, helps consolidate the knowledge acquired at school and test students’ aptitudes in the field, enriching their education and guiding their academic and, in the future, professional path through projects aligned with their study plan.
Activities related to the PCTO (Paths for Transversal Skills and Career Guidance), mandatory for all students in the final three years of high school, including lyceums, are one of the most significant innovations of Law 107 of 2015 (The Good School) in line with the principle of the open school.
A cultural shift towards the construction of an Italian path to the dual system, which draws on good European practices, combining them with the specificities of the productive fabric and the Italian socio-cultural context.

REFERENCE LEGISLATION: Law 107 of 13/07/2015 – Charter of Rights and Duties – GUIDELINES (pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 785, of Law No. 145 of 30 December 2018)

PCTO Title: “Entering Outside to Discover Inside: A Journey towards Better Self-Knowledge, World Understanding, and Thinking in the World” Category: Arts and Humanities
Mode: In-Person
Path Details: The path consists of 5 teaching units, totaling 15 hours. Activities: include classroom lessons, planned educational visits, on-site meetings with experts, and workshops. The educational activity engages high school students, together with artists and professionals from the art world, through training workshops and creative improvisation. It aims to identify the expressive potential of each participant by exploring their relationship with “the other.” This interdisciplinary dynamic allows participants to challenge themselves through exercises, simulations, work in progress, and collective experiences to enhance each individual’s expressive creativity. It revolves around thematic exercises related to the concept of “vulnerability.” During the educational journey, participants can experiment on various levels, including visual and auditory elements, discovering new stimuli and communicative meanings to give voice and substance to our contemporary society.
Teaching Methodology: The methodology naturally incorporates problem-solving, learning by doing, cooperative learning, and role-playing, making it a valuable tool for acquiring skills applicable in the university and job market.

The first edition at PIAGET-DIAZ from March13th to April 9th, 2024

The IIS Piaget-Diaz and the VulnerarTe APS Movement launch an innovative PCTO project for the “Cultural Services and Entertainment” pathway, which explores the connection between vulnerability and creativity.
The State Higher Education Institute Piaget-Diaz and the VulnerarTe APS Movement are pleased to announce the start of a PCTO project (Paths for Transversal Skills and Career Guidance) aimed at the 4AC class of the “Cultural Services and Entertainment” pathway.
Activities will take place in the institute’s theater, located at Viale Marco Fulvio Nobiliore 79/A, Rome, on March 13th, 15th, 22nd, and April 3th, 9th, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
The program “Enter Out Exit Inside” developed as part of the School-Work Alternation program, aims to investigate the theme of vulnerability through artistic expression, guiding students on a journey of self-exploration and deepening their relationship with the world.
Through training techniques and creative improvisation led by trainers from the Academy of Fine Arts of Rome and the VulnerarTe Movement itself, participants will have the opportunity to explore new expressive dimensions and operational tools for the development of innovative creative enterprises.
This project reflects the institute’s constant commitment to providing quality education, aimed at the integral development of students, enhancing their personal and artistic growth.

Information and programming: Dr. Rosa Maria Zito, Educational Activities –